Differently Abled (Persons with Disabilities)

Located at Ground Floor, special care is taken to facilitate visually impaired in this section. This section has 500 Braille books and 2000 Audio Books created by our library with support of volunteers.
Training is provided for visually impaired to have access to talking books and audio books by using computer, mobile phone and Plextalk daisy player.
It is a registered organisational member (free) of Bookshare online accessible library.
It is a library extensional counter of National Institute of the Empowerment of Persons with Visual disabilities (NIVA) ,Govt.of India.
Assistive Technology
The section is equipped with
- Electronic digital magnifier
- Large print keyboard
- NVDA with Indian vocalizer
- Canon Flatbed scanner
- OCR software for regional language
- OCR software for English language
- Daisy Player
- Tactile Book on Computer Components
- Voice Machine AI ALEXA
- Horizon A3 Scanner
- Thermo Meter
- Talking Clock
- Track Ball Mouse
- Abby Find Reader
- Dolphin Easy Converter
- Ipod – 3 (Lenovo) With Stand